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How to sneak in supplementation

Everyone reads the articles about the magical supplement that will help cure everything you've ever dealt with right? LOL not really but I know I use supplements daily to make sure I achieve optimal health. The question is how do I sneak in all these supplements daily without getting bored of the same routine?

Yes capsules are easiest but there are other fun ways to get your health on!

1. Smoothies

The classic green smoothie is the most logic way to sneak in your supplements.

I make sure to add a handful or so of leafy greens, lots of fresh or frozen fruit to make it tasty, then the must haves of the day.

My go to recipe for a quick smoothie would be:

1 Banana and half an avocado (both of these items make it nice and creamy)

handful or spinach and or kale (optional)

milk of choice

(I use a tablespoon or so of hempseed which turns milky with water and the blender)

fruits of choice, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, mango, pineapple

maybe even some mint or cucumber depending on what you like.

Then I add my recommended dosages of supplements.

I break open my probiotic capsules and put them in there.

Some aloe vera juice is refreshing as well.

I find my love for avocados over powers the taste of my supplements.

Drinking smoothies can be boring so I make it into a bowl add some fruit, nuts with some supplements on top :)

2. Toast!

I just discovered this one morning when I was really not looking forward to a green smoothie, well mostly the effort and clean up of a smoothie.

Jelly Toast: goes well with sweeter or bland supplements

Spread on a nice layer of jelly

Add my 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast (spreading it into the jelly)

Then top with a sprinkle of bee pollen, chia seeds or whatever else you feel you need in your diet

Avocado Toast: goes well with the earthy and green supplements.

I use a little less than a half of an avocado, depending on the toast size

Then a serving of spirulina powder (can be a strong flavor so depends on your taste buds)

Maybe your probiotic capsules, flaxseed, a bit of spices like tumeric or ginger

Spread then on there and your good to go! You could even add some leafy greens or lemon juice if youre feeling up to that :) This is my favorite toast

Nut butter Toast: so sweet it can go with any supplements

1 tablespoon of nut butter of chocie

I tend to avoid peanut butter because of the over processing of it creating all these allergies and I've read its not the best for your GI tract (Also my entomologist professor at URI told my class its the food with the most insects)

I found other nut butters to be outrageously expensive so I make my own. All you have to do to make some at home is toast them in the over for 10-15 minutes, cool them off, blend them until creamy. I store it in the fridge and I am good to go.

This spread is totally delicious I usually add bananas, some cacao nibs, flax seed, chia, hempseed, ect.

Whatever you body needs put it on some toast!

3. Tea

Now this one is great before bed or on a nice cold rainy day

I use half a cup of milk of choice and half water so its not too thick but if you want all creamy or all watery go right ahead! I heat it up either on the stove top or a microwave

I add a 1/2 teaspoon or a little less of desired of tumeric and cinnamon (pretty strong spices)

Teaspoon of ginger and nutmeg

Table spoon of cacao powder

Tablespoon of herb of choice: matcha green tea powder, marshmallow root, shavarti, ashwaganda (this is a de-stresser herb so might be best for these college months)

Swirl it around and its a healthy alternative to hot chocolate

4. Oatmeal

This one is also great for winter months

Oatmeal is very healing to an empty stomach

I am able to sneak in my spirulina powder, flax, chia, hemp, maybe some coconut flakes, cacao powder, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and goji berries (again whatever you like or need)

Its that easy!

Now lets get into supplementation...

I recently read an herbal women's healing book and realized how women really need an optimal diet but we usually fall short because we are just so damn busy conquering the world.

The author recommended all women of child bearing age receive these supplements daily to help with PMS and to help our bodies be more harmonious.

1 Tablespoon Spirulina powder

2 Tablespoons Nutritional Yeast

1/2 Teaspoon of a type of seaweed I use Kelp powder from my herbal shop

1 Teaspoon of bee pollen

She added that a high calcium rich diet will help tremendously with PMS so make sure to get tons of dark leafy greens (especially spinach) into your diet.

Now I recently just started adding in a tablespoon of matcha green tea powder, its so yummy.

And it is always important to take a great probiotic supplement daily. Good probiotics should be taken with every meal but lets be real here that is tough! I do make my own kombucha, saurkraut, and sourdough bread because probiotics can be expensive supplements.

I do not eat animal products so I have many of my family and friends concerned I do not get enough protein or vitamin B12 into my diet... Well I do!

Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of Vitamin B, and Wheat germ is a great source of folic acid and vitamin E.

My protein sources are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, oats, quinoa, beans, leafy greens, goji berries, nuts, and of course my spirulina is a protein powder, and bee pollen is full of amino acids.

Thanks for reading! Tori

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