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Cycle Awareness & Seed Cycling for hormonal balance

Cycle awareness

A way to tune into your body, your emotions, to know what you need, to respect, honor and reflect your feminine energy.

We are divine, take time to learn so the rest of the world can learn too.

We are taught we will bleed once a month, maybe, & to always use condoms for sexual intercourse. Done. Easy. 1 maybe 2 lessons in school.

There is so much more to being a woman, balancing our hormones and becoming aware of the cycle within us and how it relates the whole world outside…

Energetically women are tied to the moon, as men are tied to the sun. The feminine and masculine balance of what rules the earth.

The moon controls the tides, the emotions, high intensity of a full moon, or internal reflections of a new moon.

The moon cycle is about 29.5 days long, as is a women’s menstruation cycle. Women take back their ancestral knowledge when they begin to look up at the moon & gain awareness into each cycle, their own and how it correlates to the moon.

With light pollution, hormonal birth control & stress filled lives, women have lost this powerful connection with their innate wisdom.

As I tried to regain my health after hormonal birth control I had no awareness, tracking or telling of my cycle. I started from no knowledge in this area, & so can you.

For almost 6 years I have been learning the innate wisdom of the menstruation cycle.

  1. First connect to your cycle

I began taking more time to look at the moon, where she was in her cycle. I would track in my diary or agenda when my cycle would start, and if I were experiencing anything during my month long cycle as in a breakout or emotional rollercoasters.

Day 1-7

Winter: The day of bleeding starts your cycle.

Resting the first day, relaxing, taking time for self care, taking it easy during bleed time.

Journaling as you physically release the emotions and toxins of last month. Warm and nourishing meals help your body to recover.

Set some Intentions, goals, habits or projects, this is the time to create!

The Follicular stage (first 14 days)

Decreased estrogen & progesterone production in the body

Healthy Fats, the omega 3 mix: pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia and hempseed!

Spring: Day 7-14

Planning and Organization for Growth

Time to take action

Create what you want

(Personal or Business)

High energy, where are you directing it?


Not fertile

Eggs are getting ready

Summer: Day 14-21

Blossoming, joyful, social

Revisit the intentions you set the first week

Fertile, egg releases


Peak of estrogen & testosterone

Progesterone begins to increase

The Luteal Stage (Last 14 days)

Preparing for menstruation

Omega 6’s Sesame & sunflower seeds

Autumn: Day 21-Bleed

Coming inwards, reflecting, emotional highs

What do you need to let go of?

Take care of you, take space away

Journey inwards, journal, mediate, yoga

Easier to be angry, frustrated, overwhelmed

Breathe, treat yourself!

2. Connect to the moon cycle

Once you have a strong bond with your inner world now go to the outside. From this connection I would see how my body and emotions would relate to the month long process with the moon & energy of the world outside. We have this wisdom, all you need to do is look within & up.

Through this process of cycle awareness you begin to have a better grasp on your emotions, your relationships & how better you can create or serve your community.

You come First Ladies!! The moon controls the earth’s energy, & we can tap into that…

Balance your cycle with seed cycling

When balancing your hormones I found seed cycling incredibly beneficial. Helps maintain the natural 2 week rhythm. Its the process of having different types of seeds that have the Omega Fatty Acid Type your body should be producing depending on your cycle.

How can you add this in?

When you make smoothies add 2 TBS of which ever seed you need this part of your cycle

You can add it to homemade bread, chocolate, or just grind it and make nut/seed butter with it!

The Follicular stage (first 14 days)

Healthy Fats, the omega 3 mix: pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia and hempseed!

The Luteal Stage (Last 14 days)

Preparing for menstruation

Omega 6’s Sesame & sunflower seeds!

Happy Cycling


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